If now is the right time for you to invest in either of our Funds, there are a few options in how you can invest. Please feel free to get in touch with us and we can talk you through what options might suit you.

Our funds

Fund Overview

  • Concentrated portfolio of ASX-listed companies, typically in smaller companies unknown to many investors
  • Nimble and deliberately capacity-constrained to access smaller companies
  • Focused on capital growth, with semi-annual distributions1
  • On the ASX as a Listed Investment Trust (LIT) under the ticker FOR, allowing flexibility in times of market distress.


Application process for new investors

To buy units, you can simply purchase these through a broker the same way you would purchase any direct shares. The ticker for this fund is “FOR”.

Access via

Performance (net of fees) as at 31 March 2024
1 year
3 year
5 year
4.13% p.a
6.75% p.a

1.1%* Management & expense recovery fee (p.a)

10%*Performance fee (on returns over 8% p.a)


ASX (FOR) Investor Center

View historical unit prices

*Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for a detailed break down of fees and costs.
1The Responsible entity reserves the discretion to amend the trust’s distribution policy.

Fund Overview

  • A combination of large liquid, resilient businesses and smaller less known company opportunities
  • A broad sector and market cap mandate that allows us to scour the market for the best opportunities
  • A concentrated managed portfolio of 20-40 unique global equities
  • Investment team with deep pockets of expertise particularly in Europe, the UK, and the United States.

Application process for new investors

You can apply online, or by downloading the form and sending to Fundhost, the administrator of this fund. The Fund processes applications and redemptions on a weekly basis.

The minimum investment is a $20,000 lump sum or $200 per month. You do not need a lump sum to start a monthly investment plan.

Available on

Performance (net of fees) as at 31 March 2024
1 year
3 year
5 year
1.74% p.a
13.52% p.a

1.22%* Management & expense recovery fee (p.a)

12.53%*Performance fee (on returns over p.a)


View historical unit prices

*As at 30 September 2022. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for a detailed break down of fees and costs.

Inception date 8 February 2013.